Person Centered Astrology
In psychology there is a therapeutic approach, known as person centered psychology, that examines multiple facets of the human psyche in order to better understand a person as a whole. This practice thrives on the theory that a whole is a sum of its parts. As a counselor, I love to incorporate astrology into my practice as the two creative sciences go hand in hand. In astrology, a person's birth chart can be used to better understand the individual as a whole being. Each planet, house, and aspect is a stepping stone to understanding the entirety of a human being. This article will explore how to identify certain facets of a individual through identifying how the planets influence specific actions, thought patterns, and ways of being. Time to put your thinking caps on folks!
Identifying the Sun/5th House within a person: When Solarian/ 5th House energy is being activated, a person will exude an aura of pure confidence and excitement. Solarian energy is warm and affirming. There is a melodramatic nature to this energy, but it is often subtle enough to maintain its innocence. An active Sun can cause a person to suddenly seek leadership in social settings, seek attention/admiration from peers, and can even serve as a source of pure joy, laughter, and entertainment for a duration of the activation. For fire voids, this energy is extremely important and may bring great fortune during transits where personal planets enter the fifth house.
Identifying the Moon/4th House within a person: When Lunarian/4th House energy is being activated. it can feel as if you have to walk on egg shells around this energy. Lunar energy is very moody, consisting of intense highs and intense lows. A person activating Lunarian energy will be very sensitive towards rejection and criticism. There may be a need to seek comfort in food, the arts, or relationships. When a person is activating Lunarian energy, they may appear clingy and some what dependent, especially to those with a strong uranus/jupiter influence. On the other hand, active Lunar energy is quite nurturing. A person under the moon's influence will subconsciously seek to care for and protect others. There is a quiet strength to this energy that is often accompanied by a sense of duty.
Identifying Mercury/3rd house within a person: This energy is one of the easier energies to identify. Mercury/3rd house often carries a scattered and nervous energy. When a person is activating mercury, they are likely to have jittery eyes, a nervous tick, and quickened speech. Mercurial energy is a tad hyperactive and impatient in nature. When this energy is active. this native will find that learning new things becomes easier. The energy will seek variety and mental stimulation above all else, as a person may grow restless and irritable if there isn't a proper outlet for the mutability of the energy.
Identifying Venus/7th (2nd) House within a person: When a person is activating Venus, there is a sensual nature that is hard to resist about this energy. Even if the native is rather basic in appearance, the fragrance of Venus is powerful enough to charm the most picky of suitors. 7th house energy is innocently seductive and playful. A person activating Venus will be socially suave as well as delightful to be around. Venusian energy is courteous as well as polite and refined. You can tell a person is activating their Venus energy when they are mindful of their manners as well as hyper aware of current trends and social norms. Venusians will also have a sore spot for sweets and luxury. The popular phrase "Treat yaself" is totally Venusian.
Identifying Mars/1st House within a person: A person channeling the martian energy will be too hot to handle. They may be mistaken for Plutonian due to their passionate and intense nature. But do not be fooled! This energy stands proudly at the forefront of all action. Pluto is far more behind the scenes. 1st house energy is fearless and confrontational. A person activating their mars energy may be seen as combative and slightly intimidating. This energy, especially in a woman, can influence a person to initiate a new project or build a new foundation for themselves. You know Mars is being activated when a person can confidently venture into the unknown while maintaining the optimism of a small child.
Identifying Uranus/11th House within a person: Can anyone spot Waldo? Of course you can! He's sticking out like a soar thumb. Looks like Waldo didn't get the message that you don't wear tie dye to an all white party. Uranian/11th house cannot ever truly be understood, and knowing this is key to fully understanding the energy. When a person is activating 11th house energy. they will often appear eccentric, introspective, and like a lone wolf. Uranus cannot conform, and its energy can often cause an individual to behave in the most bizarre of ways. When a person is under the influence or Uranus, it is likely for them to voice unpopular opinions at the wrong time and place. It is not uncommon for a person under the influence of Uranus to grow a distaste towards the herd mentality and seek to rebel.
Identifying Pluto/8th House within a person: This energy is fairly easy to spot, but for difficult reasons. Pluto/8th house wants to remain hidden and private as can be, but the intensity that this energy carries is often too heavy to blend in. This energy is easiest to identify when a person is having difficulty with trust, leading to suspicion and paranoia. When a person manipulates others in order to gain emotional control and power, they are channeling Pluto. When a person wants to know everything about others, but reveals nothing in return, they are channeling Pluto. When a person is obsessed over a particular idea, they are channeling Pluto. When a person expresses their anger through explosive, destructive, and sometimes violent means, they are channeling Pluto. However, Pluto is not only about darkness and the underworld. This energy can also be activated when a person uses their deep understanding of the human psyche to help and guide others. When a person discreetly aids others through use of reverse psychology, passionate encouragement, and charismatic influence, you know for sure that Pluto is being activated.
Identifying Saturn/10th House within a person: There is a stereotype that Saturn is often dull and unattractive in nature. This is far from the truth. In fact, when a person activates Saturn/10th house. they take careful care of their persona and seek to polish their reputation as much as possible. Saturn seeks status and recognition, and everyone knows that this kind of acknowledgement is hard to achieve without a squeaky clean record to match. A person who is channeling their Saturn will take pleasure in working hard. They will go above and beyond to gain even a brief pat on the back. You can tell that a person is activating the 10th house when they carry a mental checklist full of goals to be accomplished. A person channeling Saturn will seem competitive on an ambitious level, while seeming to be well put together to the point of spotlessness.
Identifying Jupiter/9th House within a person: The 9th house/Jupiter energy is a tad bit more subtle than the 5th and 1st house, making it a bit more difficult to identify when activated. When the 9th house energy is in use, a person can appear to understand the "bigger picture". What do I mean by this? Well, Jupiter is a philosopher that seeks meaning and understanding in life. When Jupiter is present, everything expands, including understanding! When a person is activating 9th house, they will appear to take life less seriously, as they realize that there is more to life than the superficiality we so easily get caught up in. An activated 9th house will bring a person great luck as they will appear charismatic and borderline irresistible to others. The optimistic nature of Jupiter has a healing energy that draws people, as well as great fortune, very close.
Identifying Chiron/6th House within a person: (Another house that is misunderstood as dull, monotonous, and stagnant in nature.) Chiron/6th house energy is peace on earth. A person channeling this energy will serve as a healer as well as a spiritual leader within their community. This does not mean that a person must go out and receive a certificate in order to indicate their credibility. The 6th house energy is far too simple for such a status. Instead, Chiron is humble and down to earth as it walks on the same terrain as everyone else. The wounded healer has a distinct energy that is hard to miss. A person is often activating their Chiron when they choose to put their problems on hold in exchange for service towards others. When a person says "You first". they are activating their Chiron. Self improvement is a long, and hard job. Not to mention time consuming. But a wounded healer feels that there is always time to come back to the self. Right now, it is more important to help others.
Identifying Neptune/12th House within a person: Being that I specialize in Neptune, I will go a bit more in depth in this section. Neptune/12th house is an ethereal energy that is not of this world. Similar to Uranus, the more you try and define the energy, the farther you grow from coming to an understanding. Neptune is the fallen angel that has been sent to earth to help transcend the spirit of the human race. Neptune/12 house energy can seem as foreign as Uranian energy being that it is often more selfless and shapeless than the other energies. This is not to say that the other planets are tainted or impure, but that Neptune has the capacity to surrender itself to the human experience in a way that may be far too uncomfortable for any other planetary energies to endure. A person is channeling their Neptune when they begin to revolve their life around guiding and healing others. When a person begins to sacrifice their emotional, physical, and psychological well being for the betterment of others, they are channeling Neptune. When a person sacrifices ambition, money, and status for a promising relationship, partnership, or opportunity, they are channeling Neptune. On the other hand, a person can channel 12th house in more destructive of ways as well. When a person engages in an affair, drug/substance abuse, and even criminal activity, they are channeling Neptune. When a person compulsively lies, emotionally manipulates others by playing victim, or finds comfort in being directionless, they are also channeling Neptune.
Note: In order to understand a person as a whole, we must learn to identify the energies of all the planets above, within the person. By understanding the role each planet plays in the personality and development of an individual, we are closer to understanding who the person truly is.
Interactive Learning:
1) Cassandra has an 8 page paper due tomorrow. Yet, it is 8 o'clock, she is surfing the web, 9 tabs are opened and she has not even began to start her essay. Which energy is Cassandra activating?
2) During the early stages of Cassandra's relationship with her boyfriend Mike, she discovered that Mike is afraid of heights. Throughout the course of the relationship, Cassandra has gradually exposed Mike to places of various heights and architectures until he could no longer be consumed by his fear. Which energy did Cassandra activate in order to help Mike get through his fear?
3) Cassandra loves to read romance novels, listen to love songs, and give herself makeovers every weekend. She often dreams of finding a perfect lover as well as what he/she would look, feel, and act like. Cassandra's friend's often refer to her as a love addict. Which energy is Cassandra activating?
Answer Key: 1) Mercury 2) Pluto 3)Venus
Did you get most to all of these right? Awesome! This means that you understand that a single person is capable of experiencing many different types of planetary energies at various points in time. Congratulations on understanding Person Centered Astrology.
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