Moon Conjunct Neptune: The Clairvoyant
As a lover and educator of planet Neptune, there is nothing I love more than to talk about Neptune's influence on the occult arts. There is no denying Neptune's role in manifesting celestial phenomenon. However, there is one placement in particular that has astounding psychic potential, and that is Moon in conjunction with planet Neptune. This fragile placement can only truly be mastered once it is fully understood. Let's explore!
La Lune ⥏
The Moon, ruling the sign of cancer, is one of the most important planets in regards to spirituality. Only through the Moon can we access the super conscious realm. We are often granted access to this realm through sleep and astral projection. However, those with well developed Pineal Glands can access the super conscious realms at any point in time. Though the sign placement of the Moon is fairly important in determining the archetype of psychic ability one may experience, the house placement is of utmost importance. Water moon's (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) will have an easier time navigating through the super conscious realm. However, water houses (4th, 8th, and 12th) will serve as a channel to guide the Moon through the realm of conscious activity.
Neptune ⥺
Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces, also plays a large role in psychic ability. Neptune rules the collective unconscious, and serves as a channel between the spirit world and earth. Neptune in water sign placements can feel quite at ease and comfortable with the unknown. However, Neptune in the water houses may feel especially familiar with the spirit world and the occult.
The Divine Connection ⤘⧪
Though Neptune and the Moon are already powerful sources on their own, they create a dynamic duo once they come together. In particularly when they are conjoined. The conjunction is the most powerful of psychic energies. Think of Neptune as being one person only to discover that the Moon is its conjoined twin. Now everything Neptune consumes, the moon consumes as well. They are no longer separate entities. They have become one, they are conjoined. They always say that two heads are better than one, and that is exactly the case when the Moon is in conjunction with Neptune. Now, conjunctions are often known to be 5 degrees (or less). But when a planet is in conjunction with a Luminary (Sun, Moon, or Ascendant), a wider orb (up to 10 degrees) is allowed.
So, what happens to the a person when their moon is in conjunction with Neptune?:
Boundless Empathy: And I'm not talking about the "Yeah, I get what you mean" kind of empathy. Though nothing is wrong with this form of empathy to begin with. Neptunian empathy is a lot more extroverted. Neptunian empathy is not just projected, it is felt through every inch of the body. Neptunian empathy is "I feel what you feel" and the native is genuinely experiencing every emotion they may come across as if it were their own. The Moon only intensifies this experience. The Moon causes the native to nurture the channel in which they have picked up the energy from. So with the conjunction, we find a person who seeks to make active attempts to end the suffering of others in order to save themselves.
Psychic Vulnerability: The moon in conjunction with Neptune causes a psychic vulnerability that is potentially dangerous to the native. If the native has the ability to astral project, the will find that negative astral entities will gravitate towards them and attempt to steal their energy. This is especially likely if the conjunction takes place in the 8th or 12th house. If the conjunction takes place in the 4th house, the native will experience psychic vampirism throughout the human experience. It ma feel as if the native is a target/scapegoat for the human race as they will be seen as an easy target by many. It is especially important for those with Moon/Neptune in 4th house to practice boundary setting starting from a young age.
Premonitions/Foresight: Moon/Neptune can pick up on the thoughts of others quite easily. Moon/Neptune natives also have the ability to see into the near future. This insight is often provided to the native through dreams, symbols, and precognition. It is not unusual for a Moon/Neptune native to think of a person only to get a phone call/text/visit from them seconds later. It is also not unusual for Moon/Neptune natives to foresee upcoming death/trauma. At 8 years old, I predicted my grandmother's death. I sat on my bed playing one day and said to myself "Grandma's gunna go soon." I had no clue what that even meant, but I felt like it was something to be acknowledged. Two weeks later, my grandmother surely passed. Imagine how strange I looked being the only person at the funeral with a smile on my face. I could not help but feel at one with the universe at that point in time.
Healing Capabilities: I strongly encourage anyone with a Moon/Neptune influence to give Reiki a chance (whether or not the conjunction is present). Moon/Neptune folks are very gifted with their hands and would be phenomenal at energy healing. Those with Moon in conjunction to Neptune may be born with energy healing capabilities, particularly the act of removing negative energy and mental/psychosomatic illnesses from another's body. This can often be done by holding the hands of one who is suffering and engaging in a brief meditation, drawing all focus to the body of another. By setting clear intentions and exchanging surges of energy, the Moon/Neptune native can provide temporary comfort and healing for those who are in need. The longer one engages in the act, the longer that the suffering can be relieved. However, psychic shielding is very important when engaging in these practices as the energy of the suffering can easily seek solace within the temple of the Moon/Neptune native.
Orphanage to the Broken: This is classic Neptune, attracting and taking in the lost and forgotten. The Moon only amplifies the need to nurture and protect those that cling to the native. Moon/Neptune conjunction can cause a native to become a walking orphanage. Everywhere the native travels will lead to encounters with extremely damaged and tortured souls. It is common for Moon/Neptune to come across abuse victims, the mentally ill, drug addicts, codependents, and the emotionally unavailable. Unfortunately, Moon/Neptune natives (regardless if there is a conjunction or not) are often prey to narcissists and sociopaths alike. Due to this, Moon/Neptune natives must learn how to read people. A strong Pluto can serve as a protector to the native. Otherwise, the native is vulnerable to being used and abused.
Shielding and Boundary Setting
Those with Moon in conjunction to Neptune must engage in regular cleansing and shielding rituals in order to maintain optimal health. Because Neptune and the Moon are both psychic sponges, the native is susceptible to taking on all the energy that is being carried by others, including illness and dark energy. This psychic absorption can happen at any time, without the natives consent. If the native is not careful, they can easily find themselves contemplating suicide and throwing their life away. Mediation and Chakra balancing are all beneficial to the well being of the Moon/Neptune individual. The creative arts also serve as a wonderful outlet for all the gunk that Moon/Neptune folks pick up on average. Lucky enough, the pure and benevolent intentions of the Moon/Neptune native are often strong enough to serve as a gate of psychic protection for the native.
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